Our Planning Work
The Society encourages the best modern architecture and is prepared to comment on planning matters at every level. We respond to consultations on planning issues, from specific sites to the more general Local Plan. We also support the conservation of our older buildings of merit – buildings that are of historical importance, add to a street scene, are architecturally pleasing or simply of sentimental value within the community. We often raise our concerns about the condition of such buildings.
A recent example of where the Society’s intervention yielded a positive result is shown here.
Bow window in Colchester High Street

The Bow window restored!

Planning Applications large and small
The society was actively involved in opposing the proposed Alumno Development alongside Firstsite and worked with Colchester Borough Council and OMCI (Greyfriars) in opposing this at the planning enquiry.This is just one of many applications that the society comments on or objects to on an ongoing basis.
A more recent example was the Society’s opposition to the proposal by Lion Walk Shopping Centre to paint a mural on vestry wall of Holy Trinity Church. The Society actively opposed this application for Historic Building Consent and helped to raise considerable opposition from ward councillors, historians, members of the society and other concerned residents of the town. The application was called in by Castle Ward Councillor Mark Goacher and went to a full Planning Department hearing, at which John Burton (president of the Society) spoke on our behalf. Significantly the application was also opposed by the Conservation Officer and the Historic England Inspector in reports which largely mirrored the points in the Society’s objection (see link below). With such a weight of opposition it was no surprise that the application was refused.

Colchester Civic Society comments on or objects to planning applications both large and small.
Listed here are the results of the most recent applications to have been considered by the Colchester Planning Department, for which we offered comments or objections. This is followed by new applications which we commented on or objected to which have yet to be considered by Planning.
Planning Applications commented on or opposed
242424 13 St Botolph’s Street . Demolish two dangerous buildings and create 19 parking places. Comment.
242452 Port Lane develop 83 dwellings .
Comment from a largely objection position.
242473 The Twist 21 Military Road. Replacement UPVC windows plus timber windows to ground floor. Object
242614 26 St John’s Street Level Best (ex-Gellers ) Alteration to frontage in Conservation Area. Comment
250119 1 Layer Road Sainsbury’s . Add a sliding hatch to existing front window on Locally Listed building. Comment as why no explanation in application.
242622 Port Lane Retirement Home for 66 beds + 24 employees per shift with provision of only 25 parking places. Comment 242058 The Limes, 11 Sir Isaac’s Walk .
Applications decided
Construction of double garage in the front of Grade II house . Refused
242206 Land at East Bay . Application to change a condition of planning consent. Change of materials . Refused
24230433-35 Long Wyre Street. Change of use to 1st and 2nd floor commercial space to 1 residential dwelling. Refused due to lack of bin storage and natural light.
242039 5 Osbourne Street Change of use from shop to i person flat. Approved .
242260 24 New Town Road New dormer to existing loft . Refused as harmful to Conservation Area.
242073 304 Straight Road Building of concrete arch in front garden . Refused .
242020 61 Castle Road Replacement timber windows with UPVC . Refused
242360 14 Headgate change of use of office space to 54 apartments . Approved .
(Office block at Southway /Headgate junction )
241852 1st floor 17-33 Long Wyre Street Conversion of storage space to 22 residential flats following removal of roof to create courtyard. Refused.
242387 38-42 Long Wyre Street Convert 1st floor to 3 new flats . 2 SINGLE ,1 X 2 BED. Approved
231077 Former Conservative Club 107 High Street Part demolition of rear extension (roof ) and erection of 2 additional floors and conversion of upper floors to create 16 apartments. Approved after Historic England intervention and changes to plans.
242247 Hudson’s ,Head Street . Change od use of 2 upper floors to hotel use. Approved.
242380 Land adj to 6 Marlowe Way . Change of use to Highway land to amenity land and reposition of public footpath . Refused .
242158 The Limes ,11 Sir Isaac’s Walk Proposed resurface of carpark from loose aggregate to block paving. Refused.